techno Sri Lanka is an exhibition for all Stakeholders of construction and allied Industries. This has
proved as the only platform in Sri Lanka where you will be able to mingle and exchange ideas for
the mutual benefit of almost all the parties.

1. Academics and Researchers
2. Architects
3. Aviation Industry Operatives
4. Constructors in all Sectors of Infrastructure Development
5. Consultants and Designers in Engineering and Technology
6. Dealers and Distributors of Technical Supplies
7. Defence and Security Service Personnel
8. Electrical, Electronic IT and Telecommunication Professionals
9. Engineers (Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Electronic, Computer etc.)
10. Entrepreneurs
11. Fabricators and Technical Solution Providers
12. Foreign Investors, Traders and Brand Representatives
13. Government Department, Board and Corporation Officials
14. Innovators
15. Local Industrial Investors and Executives
16. Military Officers and Personnel
17. Real-estate Developers
18. School Children
19. Students engaged in Engineering/Technological Studies
20. Transportation and Logistics Providers