Message from the Chairman, – TECHNO

“Techno 2024”, exhibition is not only the most celebrated and important annual event organized by the IESL and also it is the most attended technical exhibitions in the country. In its early days(in 1985), showcasing only as an Electro-Mechanical Exhibition, today it has expanded covering almost all disciplines of engineering, leveraging the cream of the resources from both local and international exhibitors.

“Techno 2024”, is the hub of information for not only engineers but also for the general public to expand their knowledge about the latest technological advances, innovations and historical milestones in the engineering field.

It was unfortunate that due to the adversities brought in as a result of the Covid 19 Pandemic and subsequent economic crisis of the country; this mammoth event was withheld during 2020, 2021 & 2022, and in 2023 we were able to reignite the glamorous event of the year attracting mammoth crowd and stakeholders. These included Engineers, Industrialists, Engineering Academic Professionals, Engineering Undergraduates, Architects, Quantity Surveyors, School Children, Policy Makers and General Public. This is largely due to the fact that this exhibition not only provides a platform for exhibitors to showcase their latest products and services, but also assists them to establish new business contacts with related business communities.  General public also benefited by having an opportunity for live interaction with practicing industry professionals and get solutions to their day to day Engineering problems. At Techno-2024 participants are also able to attend several knowledge sharing sessions on current Engineering Projects and Technologies, not commonly available to the general public, thereby bridging the gap between the public and engineering.

This will be an ideal platform for both emerging and well-established organizations to promote their image. Since IESL intends to invite our Foreign Chapters for this Techno, we presume that foreign business communities in addition to local business communities will have the opportunity to have collaborative works, thereby elevating this event to an international exhibition.

The current issues faced by the country are very complex in nature and hence there is nodoubt that inputs of engineers are required to formulate new strategies to lead the country towards prosperity. It is not a secret that the economy of the country is closely connected with engineering inputs. Therefore, recognizing the crucial role engineers play in inspiring;collaborating and being innovative in all their endeavors to ensure that the economy is recovered soon to an acceptable level, we have versioned our theme as  “Engineering, the Path to Prosperity”  for this year’s “Techno - 2024”.

I wish all the best to all sponsors, stall holders, students and all visitors and hope they would be able yield

the most out of this rare opportunity for the benefit of themselves and their associates. I wish the TECHNO-2024 a great success.


Eng. Granie R Jayalath
President Elect/ Chairman, Techno 2024
The Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka