About – TECHNO

The Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka is the successor to the ‘Engineering Association of Ceylon’, which was founded in 1906. In 1968, the Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka was made an incorporated body of the government, by an Act of Parliament. The IESL being the Apex body for engineering professionals in Sri Lanka, having a membership of more than 25,000, is called upon and mandated to represent the profession at many national forums and to contribute for the national development with the Vision to be among the leading professional institutions of engineering and technology in the world, has Missioned techno Sri Lanka for “Bringing out and Unleashing the Country’s Multi – Disciplinary Engineering Talents, for Driving Sri Lanka into Technological Excellence and for Revolutionary Uplifting of Peoples’ Living Conditions”.

The flagship event of IESL, techno Sri Lanka, since its inception in 1985 has grown to be the largest and the only engineering and technology exhibition held annually in Colombo. ”techno”, living up to its standards, has demonstrated the means for uplifting peoples’ living conditions and has become an ideal venue for industry professionals, business heads, technologists and the keen public to come together on a single platform.